• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
  • Алексей Шишкарёв
    191 трек
    Struck by Lightning The Crown
    The Confession Impious
    Total Fuckin Anti Positive (new version,2009) Perimeter
    Надя Dolphin
    Васильки Dolphin
    Eternal (Paradise Lost cover) The Crown
    Gothic (Paradise Lost cover) Рэйнхардт
    Dismembered Dismember
    Dreaming in Red Dismember
    Eternal Paradise Lost
    As I Die (Paradise Lost Cover) Eternal Tears of Sorrow
    Beneath Broken Earth Paradise Lost
    Скажи Сплин
    Двуречье (Я ничего не скрыл) Александр Васильев
    Kukushka Theodor Bastard
    Who's the King? Dog Eat Dog
    Труд Brutto
    Священный огонь Brutto
    Icipher Dark Tranquillity
    Obey Me... Calenish Circle
    Destroyer of the Universe Amon Amarth
    Destined To Be Dead 8 Foot Sativa
    IV Monolithe
    II Monolithe
    Спи, дитя Маркиза
    Ворон-Викинг (1989, раритет) Маркиза
    Zero Tolerance Death
    Ёлки Trubetskoy
    Паэт Trubetskoy
    Spirit Crusher Death
    Плач Алиса
    The Fight Song Bleed from Within
    Le Dernier Coup (OST Taxi 1) Freeman and K Rhyme Le Roi
    Mutter (Piano Cover) Rammstein
    Belarus Freedom Ляпис Трубецкой
    Königin In Extremo
    Auge um Auge In Extremo
    Vollmond In Extremo
    Гарэза Brutto
    The Chauffeur Brutto
    Down On Whores (Leave Them All For Dead) Benediction
    Seasons In The Abyss (beatdown cover Slayer) Broken Fist
    Tornado Of Souls Megadeth
    Wishful Bliss Stormcast
    Cry My Name Bloodbath
    Cut Off Their Limbs Ichor
    Forlorn Skies Heaven Shall Burn
    Eaten Bloodbath
    Chronic Infection Pestilence
    Krummavísur Voces Thules