• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
  • Салават Хазиев
    20 треков
    The Heavy The Heavy Co.
    Coco Parov Stelar
    Hurt Parov Stelar
    Love Don't Lie House of Lords
    Animals Nazareth
    Talk Talk Nazareth
    Le Café des trois colombes Joe Dassin
    Pink_whataya_want_from_me Adam Lambert
    Family Portrait P!nk
    Here I Go Again Whitesnake
    Is This Love Whitesnake
    Eyes Without A Face Billy Idol
    Iguanas in the Midst Knowdaverbs
    Charleston Butterfly Feat. Gabriella Hanninen Parov Stelar
    I'm OK By Myself Morrissey
    You Were Good In Your Time Morrissey
    Shine Feat. Lilja Bloom Parov Stelar
    Goodbye Emily Parov Stelar
    The Scale Interpol
    Pioneer to the Falls Interpol