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    36 треков | russian rock / alternative / rock / russian
    Sleepless Adept 3:59
    Forever And A Day Adept 4:10
    Black Veins Adept 5:28
    Rewind The Tape Adept 3:35
    At World's End Adept 4:21
    The Ballad of Planet Earth Adept 2:00
    The Ivory Tower Adept 3:12
    Dark Clouds Adept 4:10
    Shark! Shark! Shark! Adept 4:18
    At Least Give Me My Dreams Back, You Negligent Whore! Adept 0:00
    Unbeliever Adept 4:13
    Secrets Adept 4:01
    Carry the Weight Adept 4:03
    Не зову Lumen 2:57
    С Тобой Lumen 0:00
    Тень Lumen 3:41
    Не надо снов Lumen 3:19
    Небо в огне Lumen 4:53
    Успокой меня Lumen 2:32
    Сколько Lumen 3:47