• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
  • W.A.S.P.
    35 треков | heavy metal / hard rock / hair metal / metal
    The idol W.A.S.P. 6:42
    Miss You W.A.S.P. 7:41
    Golgotha W.A.S.P. 7:37
    Mean Man W.A.S.P. 4:47
    Sleeping (In the Fire) W.A.S.P. 3:55
    Crazy W.A.S.P. 5:10
    Ballcrusher W.A.S.P. 3:28
    Widowmaker (Vinyl) W.A.S.P. 5:18
    Maneater W.A.S.P. 4:46
    Mercy W.A.S.P. 4:51
    Restless Gypsy W.A.S.P. 5:02
    Revengeance W.A.S.P. 5:21
    B.A.D. W.A.S.P. 3:57
    Euphoria W.A.S.P. 3:19
    Кessurecto W.A.S.P. 4:24
    Hellion W.A.S.P. 3:39
    Wild Child (remix) W.A.S.P. 5:09
    Locomotive Breath W.A.S.P. 2:59
    Godless Run W.A.S.P. 5:43
    The Heretic (The Lost Child) W.A.S.P. 7:22