• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
  • Slam
    61 трек | deathcore / technical deathcore / death metal / metalcore
    Mr. Highway’s Thinking About the End A Day to Remember 4:15
    The Catacombs (feat. Jason Evans & Dickie Allen) Shadow of Intent 4:43
    Ov Brimstone And Fire Disembodied Tyrant 4:31
    Deadweight (feat. Tom Barber, Rheese Peters, Ben Mason, Jordan James, Alex Terrible, CJ McCreery, Duncan Bentley, CJ McMahon, Ben Duerr, Jamie Hanks and Dan Watson) Lowlife 6:43
    Protonemesis Extermination Dismemberment 4:09
    Sun//Eater Lorna Shore 6:10
    Ov Fire and Sulfur (feat. Dan Tucker of Crown Magnetar) To Obey a Tyrant 5:55
    Into the Earth Lorna Shore 5:12
    Penumbra Unholy Harakiri 4:30
    Left Behind Pine 2:58
    Slaves To Substance Suicide Silence 3:27
    Meltdown Suicide Silence 2:12
    The Fallen Suicide Silence 4:07
    Control Suicide Silence 2:53
    Two Steps Suicide Silence 3:22
    No Time to Bleed Suicide Silence 2:22
    You Can't Stop Me Suicide Silence 4:13
    Lifted Suicide Silence 4:08
    Wasted Suicide Silence 3:13
    No Pity for a Coward Suicide Silence 3:12