• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
  • Promid
    15 треков | electronic / progressive psychedelic trance / chillout / psychedelic trance
    Give Me Love (Giorgio Armani) Lupo-Ceccarini 4:52
    Separation from the World - Zero Cult Remix Promid 6:50
    Eternal Love Promid 5:17
    Destiny Promid 4:38
    Electro Queen (feat. PrOmid) C & R 4:32
    Chapouny Promid 5:41
    Day Of Regret Promid 6:06
    Caress Promid 4:51
    Out of the Way Promid 5:04
    Far Away Promid 4:43
    Don't Forget Me Promid 5:32
    Sound of Worship Promid 6:24
    New Life Promid 5:47
    Trailing Ancestors Promid 4:47
    Dependent Heart Promid 5:30