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  • Powerwolf
    20 треков | power metal / heavy metal / german / metal
    Cardinal Sin Powerwolf 0:00
    Panic in the Pentagram Powerwolf 5:14
    Werewolves of Armenia Powerwolf 3:54
    We Drink Your Blood Powerwolf 3:42
    We Came to Take Your Souls Powerwolf 0:00
    Son of a Wolf Powerwolf 3:59
    Sanctified With Dynamite Powerwolf 4:24
    Sacred & Wild Powerwolf 3:42
    Resurrection by Erection Powerwolf 3:50
    Raise Your Fist Evangelist Powerwolf 3:59
    Moscow After Dark Powerwolf 5:31
    Midnight Messiah Powerwolf 4:12
    Lupus Dei Powerwolf 6:08
    Vampires Don't Die Powerwolf 0:00
    When the Moon Shines Red Powerwolf 4:25
    Tiger of Sabrod Powerwolf 3:53
    Die, Die, Crucified Powerwolf 3:00
    Demons and Diamonds Powerwolf 3:38
    Dead Boys Don't Cry Powerwolf 3:25
    Catholic in the Morning... Satanist at Night Powerwolf 3:57