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  • Ozzy Osbourne: Bark at the Moon. 1983
    11 треков | heavy metal / hard rock / metal / classic rock
    Bark At The Moon Ozzy Osbourne 4:19
    You're No Different Ozzy Osbourne 5:01
    Now You See It [Now You Don't] Ozzy Osbourne 5:04
    Rock'n'Roll Rebel Ozzy Osbourne 5:28
    Centre Of Eternity Ozzy Osbourne 5:26
    So Tired Ozzy Osbourne 4:00
    Slow Down Ozzy Osbourne 4:17
    Waiting For Darkness Ozzy Osbourne 5:18
    Spider in The Night Ozzy Osbourne 4:20
    One Up The B Side Ozzy Osbourne 3:20
    "Bark At The Moon" ( Full Album ) 1983 Ozzy Osbourne 47:21