• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
  • Organ Works of the North German Baroque
    44 трека
    Matthias Weckman(1617-1684) Friedhelm Flamme 1:00:44
    Christian Flor(1626-1697) Friedhelm Flamme 19:55
    Johann Decker(1598-1668) Friedhelm Flamme 1:08
    Dietrich Meyer(1653) Friedhelm Flamme 0:47
    Marcus Olfer(1625-1684) Friedhelm Flamme 3:16
    Delphin Strunck(1601-1694) Friedhelm Flamme 1:01:06
    Johann Christian Schieferdecker(1679-1732) Friedhelm Flamme 3:31
    Andreas Neunhaber(1603-1663) Friedhelm Flamme 6:26
    Ewald Hintz(1613-1668) Friedhelm Flamme 2:04
    Gottlieb Nittauff(1685-1722) Friedhelm Flamme 11:49
    Gustav Duben(1628-1690) Friedhelm Flamme 3:50
    Martin Duben(1599) Friedhelm Flamme 8:17
    Andreas Duben(1597-1662) Friedhelm Flamme 11:18
    Georg Wilhelm Dietrich Saxer(1740) Friedhelm Flamme 19:08
    Hieronymus Praetorius(1560-1629) Friedhelm Flamme 1:04:50
    Georg Bohm(1661-1733) Friedhelm Flamme 1:08:41
    Johann Praetorius(1595-1660) Friedhelm Flamme 1:05:06
    Nicolaus Hasse(1601670) Friedhelm Flamme 27:55
    Franz Tunder(1614-1667) Friedhelm Flamme 1:07:01
    Peter Morhard(1685 ) Friedhelm Flamme 36:33