• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
  • Louis Clark & Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Queen Classic (1996)
    80 треков | classical / инструментальная / orchestra / british
    Part One (1979) (Per-spek-tiv) Louis Clark 24:45
    Part Two (1979) (Per-spek-tiv) Louis Clark 22:23
    Hooked on Classics, Parts 1 & 2 The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 5:07
    Can't Stop the Classics The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 5:48
    A Night at the Opera The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 6:06
    Hooked on America The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 4:08
    Symphonies of the Seas The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 2:49
    Hooked on a Can Can The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 4:56
    Also sprach Zarathustra The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 1:12
    Journey Through the Classics The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 3:52
    Hooked on Tchaikovsky The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 5:29
    Hooked on Romance Opus 3 The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 4:18
    Tales of the Vienna Waltz The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 4:06
    If You Knew Sousa The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 3:33
    If You Knew Sousa (and Friends) The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 3:06
    Scotland the Brave (Hookery Jiggery Jock) The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 3:52
    Hooked On America The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 44:23
    Journey Through The Classics The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 41:02
    Beethoven's Fifth (Acid House Mix) Louis Clark & The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 6:01
    Beethoven's Fifth (Ludwieeed Dub) Louis Clark & The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 7:56