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  • Gregorian Chants of St.Michael's- энергия мозга
    18 треков
    Sancte Dei The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 3:50
    Salve sanctus parens The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 4:07
    In paradisum angeli The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 2:51
    Sanctus & benedictus The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 1:37
    Track05 The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 3:13
    Organ Voluntary The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 1:07
    Te lucis ante terminum The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 1:30
    Christus natus Christos The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 1:54
    Track09 The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 2:31
    Track10 The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 0:41
    Gloria The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 2:49
    Puer natus est The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 3:15
    Track13 The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 3:38
    Beata Dei The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 3:07
    Track15 The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 5:45
    Organ Voluntary The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 2:28
    Track17 The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 1:15
    Dominus exsultemus The Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's 2:38