• Отдохни от забот
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  • Для милых дам
  • BONES - USELESS (из ВКонтакте)
    8 треков | punk rock / punk n roll / punk / rock-n-roll
    Useless (Prod. by Greaf) The Bones 2:17
    KeepTellingYourselfThat The Bones 0:00
    GladWeHaveAnUnderstanding The Bones 3:17
    Tempo The Bones 2:54
    Soil (Prod. by Vegard Veslelia) The Bones 2:11
    Translucent (Prod. by Curtis Heron) The Bones 3:21
    (BONUS) Coinstar The Bones 2:44
    RightOnSchedule The Bones 2:54