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  • Для милых дам
  • Black / Pagan (1984-1990)
    14 треков | black metal / viking metal / thrash metal / norwegian black metal
    The Golden Walls of Heaven Bathory 5:22
    Odens Ride Over Nordland Bathory 3:00
    A Fine Day to Die Bathory 8:36
    One Rode to Asa Bay Bathory 10:24
    Shores in Flames Bathory 11:09
    Blasphemer Sodom 3:00
    Sepulchral Voice Sodom 4:36
    Outbreak of Evil Sodom 4:31
    Massacre Bathory 2:38
    Woman of Dark Desires Bathory 4:06
    Call From The Grave Bathory 4:53
    Silvester Anfang Mayhem 1:56
    Chainsaw gutsfuck Mayhem 3:32
    Deathcrush Mayhem 3:33