• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
    22 трека | atmospheric black metal / progressive black metal / black metal / symphonic black metal
    Arise Amiensus 9:56
    Millenium [feat. Ken Sorceron] Amiensus 6:18
    On These Deserted Plains Amiensus 8:04
    Towards Horizon Amiensus 7:39
    One in Spirit Amiensus 7:32
    What Evil Lay Dormant Amiensus 7:30
    Divine Potion of Acumen Amiensus 6:48
    Time is Growing Old Amiensus 5:59
    I Am Amiensus 5:57
    Dawn of Release Amiensus 5:38
    What Words Create Amiensus 5:33
    Prometheus Amiensus 5:17
    Morgawr Amiensus 5:12
    Wolfhead's Tree Amiensus 4:57
    Reflections Amiensus 5:00
    Delphic Æther Amiensus 4:40
    Become the Fear Amiensus 4:39
    Healer Amiensus 4:29
    Thanatos Amiensus 4:10
    Deeper Than Blood Amiensus 3:45