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  • Для милых дам
  • Year of the Witch
    13 треков
    Metal Asylum Seven Witches 3:54
    Year of the Witch Seven Witches 3:56
    Fires Below Seven Witches 4:16
    Cries of the Living Seven Witches 4:18
    If You Were God Seven Witches 4:01
    Can't Find My Way Seven Witches 4:31
    Jacob, Act I: Whispers Seven Witches 0:42
    Jacob, Act II: Voice of Jacob Seven Witches 3:43
    Jacob, Act III: Mirror to Me Seven Witches 1:17
    Jacob, Act IV: Haunting Dreams Seven Witches 3:52
    Jacob, Act V: Jacob Speaks Seven Witches 0:04
    Jacob, Act VI: Circles Seven Witches 2:22
    Jacob, Act VII: The Prophet Is You Seven Witches 4:37