Creep Karen Souza 3:31
I Will Survive Gloria Gaynor 3:33
Californication De Luxe Vintage Cafe Lounge 4:19
Can't Take My Eyes Off You Berk and The Virtual Band 4:09
I Was Made for Lovin' You Kate the Cat 4:34
You're Beautiful Marcela Mangabeira 3:06
This Love (Maroon 5 Cover) DJ Matisse & Lounge Paradise 3:58
Apologize Lounge / Jazz / Bossa 3:10
Lovefool Olivia Ong 3:28
Wonderwall (Oasis Cover) Hotel De Paris 7:21
Terrible Love Birdy 4:43
Where I Belong Sia 4:45
I'm in Here Sia 3:41
Beautiful Calm Driving Sia 5:02