I Am Going to Kill the President of the United States of America Leathermouth 2:58
Hypnotic Spells DEATH SPELLS 3:35
why is love so disastrous? DEATH SPELLS 2:05
Attention Reader Pencey Prep 5:24
Home Pencey Prep 4:11
Lloyd Dobbler Pencey Prep 2:07
Heroin Slow Pencey Prep 3:55
8th Grade Pencey Prep 4:11
Florida Plates Pencey Prep 5:21
The Secret Goldfish Pencey Prep 4:39
Don Quixote Pencey Prep 3:55
10 Rings Pencey Prep 3:46
Trying To Escape The Inevitable Pencey Prep 4:39
Fat and Alone Pencey Prep 2:35
Yesterday Pencey Prep 4:06
19 Pencey Prep 5:58
Cotton Candy Pencey Prep 3:09
Death of the Lionheart Pencey Prep 4:07
Fifth Period Leathermouth 2:13
Body Snatchers Forever Leathermouth 2:04