Take My Breath Away Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez 4:25
What Makes You Beautiful Joe Hart, Rory Flanagan, Artie Abrams, Sam Evans, Mike Chang 3:18
Dinosaur Brittany Pierce, the McKinley High Cheerios 2:55
Shake It Out Santana Lopez, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mercedes Jones 4:09
Cry Rachel Berry 3:31
School's Out Noah Puckerman 3:22
Cell Block Tango Mercedes Jones, Tina Cohen-Chang, Santana Lopez, Sugar Motta, Brittany Pierce, Mike Chang 3:55
Not the Boy Next Door Kurt Hummel, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mercedes Jones, Brittany Pierce 2:21
The Rain In Spain New Directions males except Kurt Hummel 2:06
The Music of the Night Kurt Hummel, Tina Cohen-Chang 1:02
I Have Nothing Kurt Hummel 4:50
So Emotional Santana Lopez, Rachel Berry 3:26
How Will I Know Mercedes Jones, Santana Lopez, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry 2:47
I Wanna Dance With Somebody Brittany Pierce, Santana Lopez, the McKinley High Cheerios 4:02
It's Not Right but It's Okay Glee Cast 4:16
My Love Is Your Love Artie Abrams, Mercedes Jones, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, New Directions 4:20
Saving All My Love for You Joe Hart, Quinn Fabray 3:51
Night Fever Will Schuester, Joe Hart, Blaine Anderson, New Directions, Sue Sylvester 3:39
How Deep Is Your Love Rachel Berry, the New Directions band 4:18
If I Can't Have You Santana Lopez, New Directions 3:06