Close Enough for Love Marian McPartland 5:41
HowDeep is the Ocean Marian McPartland 5:47
Alfie Marian McPartland 6:11
Lonely Woman Marian McPartland 4:33
Blue in Green Marian McPartland 5:16
Afternoon in Paris Marian McPartland 5:41
Stranger in a Dream Marian McPartland 4:33
Blackberry Winter Marian McPartland 4:13
Comes Love Marian McPartland 3:48
Key Largo Marian McPartland 3:44
Embraceable You Marian McPartland 3:43
Conversation 4 Marian McPartland 3:20
Beautiful Friendship Marian McPartland 3:15
01. Scratchin' In The Gravel Marian McPartland 14:31
There’s No You Marian McPartland 3:07
September in the Rain Marian McPartland 3:13
Things Ain't What They Used to Be Marian McPartland 3:24
Straight No Chaser Marian McPartland 2:49
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes Marian McPartland 2:33
I've Got A Crush On You Marian McPartland 3:14