Nice and Slow Jesse Green 3:07
Stagger Lee Lloyd Price 2:54
Lady Marmalade (Voulez-vous coucher avec moi!) Hazel Fernandes 4:19
Upside Down Hazel Fernandes 3:17
That's All You Gotta Do Brenda Lee 2:33
DancinĀ“ On A Saturday Night Barry Blue 3:11
Heart and Soul Jan & Dean 2:08
Kung Fu Fighting Doug Carlson 3:28
Blue Days, Black Nights Bobby Vee 2:11
Let It Roll (Let It Rock) Mel McDaniel 2:07
Party Doll Buddy Knox 2:18
Cool Jerk The Capitols 2:31
The Duck Jackie Lee 2:21
Pony Time Chubby Checker 2:28
Rockin' Robin Bobby Day 2:33
Slippin' And Slidin' Little Richard 2:38
Limbo Rock Chubby Checker 2:26
Jealous Mind Alvin Stardust 2:41
Twist And Shout The Searchers 2:44
The Happy Organ Andry Brasseur 2:30