Observing of stars Stive Morgan 4:23
Albionics Stive Morgan 4:25
Close to heaven Stive Morgan 5:03
The synthetic person Stive Morgan 3:53
Aerobatics reload Stive Morgan 4:19
Moon visitors Stive Morgan 3:54
Silver airplane Stive Morgan 4:20
On the car to planet Stive Morgan 4:32
North pole Stive Morgan 5:11
In my dream Stive Morgan 4:05
Space breath Stive Morgan 6:16
Wandering soul Stive Morgan 4:54
K141 Kursk Stive Morgan 4:45
To stars Stive Morgan 4:06
Light at the end of tunnel Stive Morgan 4:39
Wandering soul Stive Morgan 0:00
Moment of life Stive Morgan 3:56
On the road Stive Morgan 4:51
High tension Stive Morgan & Moon Haunter 7:50
Ring of spring (demo) Stive Morgan 5:14