Lacrima Tristeria 4:13
Dikur-(2011) Epoka Tristeria 3:16
Darkness Tristeria 4:22
Blasfemia Tristeria 3:45
Dua Tristeria 4:07
Night Bird Tristeria 3:51
The Voice Tristeria 4:00
Tristitia Tristeria 4:41
12 Million Ligh Years Away From Earth (New Age - Tristeria (Enigmatica) 3:43
Meditim (New Age - Tristeria 4:20
Darkness Tristeria 4:22
Tristeria - Il Risveglio Tristeria 3:41
I Love You (Dimitra) Tristeria 5:48
Liburnae Tristeria 4:49
Light of Your Smile Tristeria 4:08
In Your Eyes-(2011) Epoka Tristeria 6:23
In Your Eyes Tristeria 6:23
Hosana (Alex P. Remix) Tristeria 4:25
Hosana-(2008) Anagrama Tristeria 4:28
Without You Tristeria 4:03