Red Indians Right to Live Oliver Shanti 4:37
Condor Pasa Amawa's 5:54
Deliverance of Spirit Yeskim 6:23
Samhan Phil Thornton 6:05
Vision Circle Brulé 3:39
Hanwi: The Moon Blue Chip Orchestra 6:34
Smoke Signal Wayra Nan 4:17
Nay a Na Jerry Alfred and the Medicine Beat 2:48
Four Winds SPA Strings 6:16
Wilderness Global Journey 5:34
Five Spirits Reencuentros 5:33
Prayer Song Red Thunder 4:51
Dance Of The Bear Stewart and Bradley James 5:10
Легенда о воинах Новая Азия 6:00
Qapak nau Jacuchi 5:02
River Dawn Deep Forest 3:50
Песня шаманки Ай-Тал 4:14
Fight For Your Land Nick Straybizer Serena 4:08
Завоеватели Новая Азия 3:11
Raven Medicine Byron Metcalf featuring Steve Roach 10:19