No Matter What Golden Sax 4:16
Il Tape Sur Des Bambous R.Boisserie 3:08
Steps To Paradise Mehdi 5:34
Following Stars Bernward Koch 4:33
Jingle Bells Ray Conniff 2:42
13 Jours En France Claude Ciari 1:46
Twilight Lullaby Tron Syversen 5:33
Lullaby D.Luca 2:35
Maria-La-O Lo Yan 3:19
Sad Movies Golden Trumpet 2:49
Puzzle Trip (edit) Chinese Enigmatical Music 5:20
Wind Spirit Bill Miller 2:52
Das Konzert (edit) Modo 3:04
Solamente Una Vez Manuel Granada 2:15
Voodoo Jammin Dancing Fantasy 6:29
Deck The Halls (christmas theme) Chip Davis & CPO 3:34
Love Follow Us Romantic Piano 3:35
La Vie En Rose A.Swings & O.Sings 3:17
Sotto La Luna Mario Battaini 3:05
Sailing Golden Trumpet 4:40