Dance Myrath 3:48
Один На Один Артерия 4:18
Infernal Death Death 2:54
Full Circle Five Finger Death Punch 0:00
Dogmata Todd La Torre 3:31
Enter Through Fire Andy James 2:42
Enter the Metaverse Paul Wardingham 5:10
Illusion Modern Day Babylon 3:41
Shiny Sithu Aye 5:06
Never Back Down Andy James 3:32
Кровавый Навет (feat. Demether from Zmey Gorynich) Second To Sun 5:17
Ignorance Astral Display 4:13
Sea of Heartbreak Angel Vivaldi 5:24
The Swarm Shokran 3:19
Alone In the Dark Soulslide 4:47
Memories Shining Fury 8:11
Home Nightscape 3:15
Darkness Ivory Moon 3:28
50 Miles Lee Aaron 4:30
Waking up Marja Üldine 2:23