Angel With An Attitude Samantha Fox 3:23
I Give Myself To You Samantha Fox 3:51
Soundaries Of Love Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 3:53
Perhaps Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 4:18
Let Me Be Free Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 3:53
Santa Maria Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 2:51
Boundaries Of Love Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 3:52
Do You Want Me Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 3:21
Wasted N.R.G. Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 3:24
Spirit of America Samantha Fox 4:47
Say What You Want Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 4:30
Watching You Samantha Fox 6:28
Deeper Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 3:59
Love Makes You Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 3:56
Saving It Up Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 3:54
Hot Lovin' Samantha Fox 3:45
Even in the Darkest Hours Samantha Fox 5:28
I Dream in Colours Samantha Fox 3:41
Where Is The Love Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 4:42
What You See Is What You Get Samantha Fox (Саманта Фокс) 3:27