The Battle for Mykonos Timothy Michael Wynn 2:03
Lying in Wait Timothy Michael Wynn 1:08
Enter the Shogun Executioner James Hannigan 1:34
East Moves West James Hannigan 1:30
The Rising Sun Is Setting James Hannigan 1:06
For the Emperor! James Hannigan 1:09
For the Empire Has Risen James Hannigan 0:33
Eastern Mysteries James Hannigan 1:56
Sayonara Red Alert 3 OST 2:38
In the Belly of the Dragon James Hannigan 2:46
The Sleeping Beast James Hannigan 1:59
The Red Menace Frank Klepacki 1:06
American Cowboys Timothy Michael Wynn 1:14
All Your Base Are Belong to Us James Hannigan 1:04
The War Machine Heads West Timothy Michael Wynn 2:07
Crisis in Cuba Timothy Michael Wynn 2:08
Floating Monstrosity James Hannigan 1:58
The Chill of War Timothy Michael Wynn 1:02
Soviet Winter Timothy Michael Wynn 1:41
Take 'em Out, Tanya! Timothy Michael Wynn 1:06