Eversleeping Xandria 3:40
Shadows In The Night Leaves' Eyes 3:48
We're Becoming Gods Fallen Arise 4:55
Forget My Name Beyond the Black 6:05
The Tragedy of the Commons Delain 4:30
Violent Roses Dark Sarah 5:02
All I Need Within Temptation 4:51
Finding My Way Sleeping Romance 4:12
The Second Stone Epica 5:00
Broken Pieces Apocalyptica 3:54
Ave Maria Tarja 6:16
Halvdan the Black Leaves' Eyes 4:22
Mon amour, mon ami Therion 4:35
Herr Mannelig Haggard 4:52
Christmas Canon Rock Trans-Siberian Orchestra 5:02
The Old Man in the Park Whyzdom 6:13
Lost Children in the World Opus Doria 5:45
A Speck In The Universe Diabulus In Musica 4:54
Path of Least Resistance Trillium 4:50
Shadow Symphony Damnation Angels 5:59