Sorrow On the Rails The Cog Is Dead 3:14
Перемен! Виктор Цой 4:52
Shot Coplifting Blackbird Raum 1:35
The Helm Of Ned Kelly Blackbird Raum 3:26
Whiskey Trampled by Turtles 4:25
Mystery Train Part II The Wood Brothers 3:18
Walt Whitman Trampled by Turtles 2:38
Come Join the Murder (From Sons of Anarchy) The White Buffalo & The Forest Rangers 0:00
Swing Against the Nazis Mischief Brew 3:03
The Object Of My Infection - Live Harley Poe 3:50
Story from Strawmouth Blackbird Raum 2:40
My Father Didn't Love Me Andrew Jackson Jihad 2:07
Тридцать три коровы Мэри Поппенс, до свидания 2:27
Тысяча глубоких поцелуев Leonard Cohen 6:20
Малолетний Гоблино gefalsht 1:55
Day Is Done Nick Drake 2:25
Time The Incredible String Band 3:58
Вечерний М Борис Гребенщиков 2:16
Gypsy Queen Chris Norman 3:25
Train Song Vashti Bunyan 2:15