Come with Me Chillo 5:40
Nothing Compared Kiana Kazee 3:44
Return Tory Arndt 4:34
Back in Time Delbert Schneider 3:59
Hermetic Vibes Double Go 6:01
Hello You Leila Lambrecht 4:40
Glittering Tears Tad Hutchens 3:48
Intuitional So Phistry 6:00
Amazing Helper Roxano de Santiago 4:20
Vanity Line Delfina Deines 5:45
Four Teens Will Fishman 5:04
Little Diamond Vera Peters 6:13
Melody Girl Kai Elston 3:51
Little Sorrow Claudia Hunt 5:58
Undulations Light in Color 5:30
Helios DaKi 5:27
A Better Time Monroe Days 5:30
Nothing More to Say Ruben Hall 4:43
Early Beach Josif Imen Puerta 3:18
Daisy Lazy Jasmine Lulu 3:39