Jasmin China Girl Mozzart 6:30
Angel Eyes (extended version) Fancy 5:01
A Voice in the Dark Fancy 3:53
Я вернусь Игорь Тальков 6:14
Billie Jean Michael Jackson 4:49
Holiday Неизвестный исполнитель 6:30
Only You Savage 3:44
It's My Life Dr. Alban 0:00
Do You Wanna Modern Talking 4:22
What Is Love [Original 7" Mix] Haddaway 4:29
Happy Nation Ace of Base 4:14
Brother Louie Modern Talking 3:43
A Kind of Magic Queen 4:24
Still Loving You Неизвестный исполнитель 6:04
Beautiful Life (Single Version) Ace of Base 3:41
Cheri Cheri Lady Modern Talking 3:44
Just Like a Woman Joe Cocker 5:12
All That She Wants Ace of Base 3:30
My Favourite Game The Cardigans 3:36
Still loving you The Scorpions 6:11