Дай мне тепло Нонконформистка 0:00
Манямир Нонконформистка 0:00
My Father's Gone Away Parks, Squares and Alleys 2:53
bitch lasagna PewDiePie 2:09
still feel. half•alive 4:07
Cold Hard Rock Foe 4:19
Dance & Weep Foe 3:21
Ode to Janey Lou Foe 3:31
The Black Lodge Foe 3:28
Get Money Foe 3:05
A Handsome Stranger Called Death Foe 3:08
Tyrant Song Foe 3:37
Jailhouse Foe 2:31
Mother May I? Foe 3:00
Ballad for the Brainkeepers Foe 2:32
Bad Dream Hotline Foe 2:07
A-Hole She Makes War 2:49
Into Ghosts Beta Satan 2:17
What's the Point Beta Satan 2:57