Carnutian Forest Eluveitie 3:16
Uis Elveti Eluveitie 4:24
Thousandfold Eluveitie 3:21
Voveso in Mori Eluveitie 4:09
Tegernakô Eluveitie 6:42
Rebirth Eluveitie 0:00
Spirit Eluveitie 2:32
Thousandfold Eluveitie 3:20
The Cauldron of Renascence Eluveitie 2:04
Gobanno Eluveitie 3:15
The Dance of Victory Eluveitie 5:24
Sucellos Eluveitie 5:05
Helvetios Eluveitie 4:00
Catvrix Eluveitie 2:44
Ne Regv Na Eluveitie 5:06
De Ruef vo de Bärge Eluveitie 4:15
Gray Sublime Archon Eluveitie 4:21
Sempiternal Embers Eluveitie 4:52
Of Fire, Wind & Wisdom Eluveitie 3:05
The Song Of Life Eluveitie 4:02