Love Is Blue Paul Mauriat 2:41
Трава у дома Земляне 4:42
Звезда по имени Солнце Кино 3:45
Aux Deux Magots Secret Service 4:10
Valerie Steve Winwood 4:05
Blue Eiffel 65 3:38
Flash In The Night Secret Service 3:47
Happy Nation Ace of Base 4:14
Josephine Chris Rea 4:36
Billie Jean Michael Jackson 4:49
Как упоительны в России вечера Белый Орёл 4:12
Enjoy the Silence Depeche Mode 6:12
Moon Temple Karunesh 5:49
The End of a Day Karunesh 5:00
Japanese Spring Karunesh 5:52
Beyond the Horizon Karunesh 6:03
Gelato al cioccolato Pupo 3:18
Indigo Blonker 4:21
Return to innocence Enigma 4:16
knocking on forbidden doors Enigma 4:05