Buona Sera Mauro 3:49
My Bed Is Too Big Blue System 3:16
You’re a Woman Bad Boys Blue 3:54
Big In Japan Alphaville 3:55
Little Russian Mr. Zivago 4:38
Felicità Al Bano & Romina Power 3:16
Maria Magdalena Sandra 3:55
In The Army Now Status Quo 4:42
Vamos a La Playa Righeira 3:36
U.S.S.R. Eddy Huntington 4:10
Wheels of Fire Chris Norman 4:06
Disco Band Scotch 5:05
On The Race Track Precious Wilson 3:31
Love-Spy Mike Mareen 4:12
Popularity Sparks 3:49
Venus Bananarama 3:39
Still Loving You The Scorpions 5:30
Together Forever Rick Astley 3:23
Sweet Dreams Eurythmics 0:00
Do You Wanna Modern Talking 4:22