Despair HMKids 3:28
Iron Warriors HMKids 2:38
Blood Angel (Sangvinius) HMKids 5:10
Eldar HMKids 3:02
Gaunt HMKids 2:42
Eastwaan 5 HMKids 4:53
Dreadnought HMKids 4:50
Prospero Burns HMKids 4:07
Inquisition HMKids 3:39
Night Lords HMKids 2:53
Dark Angels - Caliban(Treachery) HMKids 4:20
Black Legion HMKids 3:30
Ultramarine HMKids 3:34
Несущие Слово Grimwind 3:31
Сага о Мортарионе (переиздание) Keepers of Death 7:12
Проклятие Мортариона Keepers of Death 4:32
XVII Legion: Word Bearers Keepers of Death 3:23
Тринадцатая Рота (Проклятье Вульфена) Keepers of Death 7:15
XV Legion: Thousand Sons Keepers of Death 4:38
68_1_Intro_Dark_Go Keepers of Death 4:33