Crystal infinity pasheka 4:40
Ocean pearls pasheka 4:24
Иллюзия мечты pasheka 3:40
Eastern Night pasheka 4:09
The dancing world pasheka 5:03
ПОСВЯЩЕНИЕ pasheka 3:19
silver way pasheka 5:16
Quazar pasheka 3:58
Footprint On Grass pasheka 2:55
pasheka_-_nostalgiya pasheka 4:43
Drive of paradise pasheka 4:05
Осенняя грусть pasheka 2:41
My life, my dreams pasheka 4:07
Хрустальный мир pasheka 4:20
Ночная серенада pasheka 3:24
pasheka_-_melodiya_lubvi pasheka 3:20
Stardance pasheka 4:21
Мелодия любви pasheka 3:34