Criminal The Soft Moon 6:11
Folly Of Mankind Cj Bullet 3:14
Never Ending Point Boodaman 6:27
Subtle Violence Maenad Veyl 5:24
Cysero (Original Mix) Nicola Noir 5:15
Lower Vibrations Geomatic 6:56
That Awesome Moment Christian Bachmann 5:33
Malika (Original Mix) Pablo Moriego 8:39
Mine & One Another Sensarial 1:40
First Stomp (NYC Mix) Jex Opolis 8:16
Madame Night Bonfarado 6:21
Shut Em Down Millennial Falcon 3:04
Just One Aquarius C 2:21
Summer Nexus 3:04
Big Apple Plump DJs 4:01
Revolt Smokbit 4:27
Ghost Skin Ike Yard 5:19
Schlaf Basslein Schlaf Justin Maxwell 4:33
Electro Por Favor Mono Junk 6:13
Everything Moves Sarin 4:24