ED-1 (type B) Shiro Sagisu 1:56
OP-2 (type B) Shiro Sagisu 1:48
OP-1 (strings) Shiro Sagisu 2:17
F-3 (take 2) [HILDHOOD MEMORIES, SHUT] Shiro Sagisu 0:37
E-15 (rhythm only) Shiro Sagisu 2:09
E-15 Magmadiver Shiro Sagisu 2:24
E-14 Shiro Sagisu 2:31
E-13 (Rhythm Only) Shiro Sagisu 3:27
E-13 [THANATOS] 鷺巣詩郎 3:29
E-12 Shiro Sagisu 2:19
C-55 (Type F) Shiro Sagisu 1:46
E-12 (Rhythm Only) Shiro Sagisu 2:18
C-55 (Type B) Shiro Sagisu 1:56
C-55 (Type A) Shiro Sagisu 1:49
B-22 (Type B) Shiro Sagisu 2:35
B-21 (Fast Tempo, Rhythm Only) Shiro Sagisu 3:54
A Moment When Tension Breaks Neon Genesis Evangelion OST 4:10
A-16 [BACKGROUND MUSIC II][Theme of NERV](strings) Shiro Sagisu 1:33
A-16 [Theme of NERV](rythm only) Shiro Sagisu 1:33
A-16 [Theme of NERV](Macaroni Western Style) Shiro Sagisu 1:35