My Little RnR Danko Jones 3:43
Bones Dead City Ruins 3:37
Higher Love Voodoo Circle 4:08
Ballhog Zone Herman Frank 4:32
Repent My Sins Nocturnal Rites 3:51
The World to See Brainstorm 5:11
Life Is a Mess Flotsam and Jetsam 0:00
Full Throttle Kryptos 3:51
Irresistible Manimal 6:02
The Path Thunderstone 4:21
The Pulse of the Earth, Pt. 1: The Magnetic Center Communic 3:48
The Witch Is Back Crystal Viper 4:35
Battle in the Sky Bloodbound 4:24
Tequila Suicide Sinner 3:14
Invoking the Woodland Spirit Elvenking 6:01
Hashtag Your Life Kissin' Dynamite 4:02
Alles nur geklaut J.B.O. 3:03
Stand or Fall Bonfire 3:16
Cassandra's Curse Shakra 5:27
Ikarus Nightmare 4:17