Army of Darkness Spellforce 2:09
empyria Spellforce 1:42
Intro Spellforce 0:47
The Dark Var Spellforce 2 Dragon Storm 1:44
Kraga and Braga Spellforce 3:06
Fireforge Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars 1:08
Shal Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars 2:16
Citadel Spellforce 2 Dragon Storm 1:10
The Crystal Fields Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars 2:34
Desolation SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars 4:31
The Mines of Underhall SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars 1:08
Ice Keep Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars 1:07
Lava World (любимая тема) Spellforce 8:17
Karash Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars 1:08
The Frontier Nevershade Spellforce 7:05
Human Village Dynamedion 1:01
Dragh Lur SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars 1:05
Battle On Spellforce 2:00
Plain Drakened [short] Dynamedion, SpellForce: Breath of Winter 2:03
Spellforce - strategy_and_gameplay The Game 2:09