Everyday Fantasy Blue123 2:27
High Tension NicolArmarfi 0:51
Standing Tall NicolArmarfi 3:09
Passing of Time NicolArmarfi & CplCrud 0:47
Out of the Loop NicolArmarfi 2:24
Stride NicolArmarfi 2:38
Ah Eh I Oh You OverCoat & Blue123 2:08
Daylight NicolArmarfi 1:57
Ease NicolArmarfi 2:32
The Student Council NicolArmarfi 1:59
School Days NicolArmarfi 2:42
Fripperies Blue123 1:28
Caged Heart Blue123 1:21
Cold Iron NicolArmarfi 3:31
Lullaby of Open Eyes Katawa Shoujo 3:09
Painful History NicolArmarfi 4:36
Aria de l'Etoile NicolArmarfi 1:41
To Become One NicolArmarfi 4:08
Three Stars NicolArmarfi 1:02
2x400m Relay NicolArmarfi 1:26