7 Year Bitch Slade 4:16
Merry Xmas Everybody Slade 3:26
(And Now The Waltz) C'est La Vie Slade 3:50
Could I Slade 2:45
Funk Punk and Junk Slade 2:58
Radio Wall of Sound Slade 3:47
Dapple Rose Slade 3:31
Pity The Mother Slade 3:57
Angelina Slade 2:50
You Boyz Make Big Noise Slade 3:02
Hold on to Love Slade 3:28
Merry Xmas Now! Slade 3:28
Let's Have a Party Slade 1:48
Here's to... Slade 3:10
I Hear Ya Callin' Slade 3:19
Johnny Played the Guitar Slade 3:29
Cum On Let's Party Slade II 2:46
I Don' Mind Slade 3:06