Sugar Mice Marillion 5:46
The Last Straw Marillion 5:58
Script for a Jester’s Tear Marillion 8:44
He Knows You Know Marillion 5:22
The Web Marillion 8:53
Garden Party Marillion 7:19
Chelsea Monday Marillion 8:16
Forgotten Sons Marillion 8:21
Pseudo Silk Kimono Marillion 2:14
Kayleigh Marillion 4:03
Lavender Marillion 2:25
Bitter Suite: I. Brief Encounter / II. Lost Weekend / III. Blue Angel Marillion 5:53
Heart of Lothian: I. Wide Boy / II. Curtain Call Marillion 6:06
Waterhole (Expresso Bongo) Marillion 2:13
Lords of the Backstage Marillion 1:52
Childhoods End? Marillion 4:33
White Feather Marillion 2:23