Ускользает(Istok Studio live version) Валентин Стрыкало 5:06
Подворотня - мой дом Валентин Стрыкало 3:21
Всё решится само собой Валентин Стрыкало 4:11
wendy The Drums 3:18
Your Tenderness The Drums 4:57
Are U Fucked The Drums 0:00
Head of the Horse The Drums 4:38
Blood Under My Belt The Drums 4:30
I'll Fight for Your Life The Drums 3:50
Wild Geese The Drums 5:15
There Is Nothing Left The Drums 4:07
Deep In My Heart The Drums 3:50
U.S. National Park The Drums 3:11
Face Of God The Drums 4:01
Break My Heart The Drums 3:29
Let Me The Drums 4:33
I Hope Time Doesn't Change Him The Drums 0:00
I Can't Pretend The Drums 4:49
Please Don't Leave The Drums 4:11
Searching for Heaven The Drums 2:49