Pay Back Shawn Michael Casteel 1:05
Pitiful Resistance Eric Alexander Tannery 0:51
Plasma Blaster Richard Davis 0:52
Universal Blood Adam Brown 1:03
Human Extinction Eric Alexander Tannery 0:52
Wide Awake Jessica Rose Weiss, Shruti Kumar 2:36
Fading Beauty Kenzo Bond 3:51
Dimensions Boris Nonte, Gregg Lehrman 2:29
Cultum Erick DeVore 2:58
Heavens Orbit Frederick Kron 2:56
Escape Velocity Erick DeVore, Timo Chen 3:02
Uncharted Realms Mark Petrie 3:11
Fight On Fire Boris Nonte, Gregg Lehrman 2:24
Gaining Ground Mark Petrie 2:31
Staking Claim Benoit Grey 2:23
Imperatum Mark Petrie 2:48
Time Lose Max Concors 2:52
Above Earth Volta Music (Slow Burn) 2:49
Welcome To The Grid Jeffrey Fayman, John Samuel Hanson, Yoav Goren 2:18
Rise and Revolt Matthias Ullrich, Raffael Gruber 2:18