Americana Panorama 10cc 3:43
Woman in Love 10cc 6:11
Peace in Our Time 10cc 4:03
Fill Her Up 10cc 4:07
Yes I Am! 10cc 6:02
The Film of My Love 10cc 5:05
Survivor 10cc 5:50
Oh Effendi 10cc 2:50
From Rochdale to Ocho Rios 10cc 3:45
Life Is a Minestrone 10cc 4:41
Action Man in Motown Suit 10cc 4:47
Fresh Air for My Mama 10cc 3:05
Baron Samedi 10cc 3:46
Speed Kills 10cc 3:50
Tokyo 10cc 4:30
Headline Hustler 10cc 3:31
Silly Love 10cc 4:01
The Hospital Song 10cc 2:44
Listen With Your Eyes 10cc 3:14
The Second Sitting For The Last Supper 10cc 4:27