Crying In The Rain a-ha 4:24
Contagious Trapt 4:23
Beautiful Girls Van Halen 3:56
Маленький солдат Ногу Свело 4:13
Trees Twenty One Pilots 4:27
Forbidden Zone Misfits 2:23
Connect Sick Puppies 3:45
Die To Save You Sick Puppies 3:53
So What I Lied Sick Puppies 3:42
Headless Cross Black Sabbath 6:29
Hey Hey What Can I Do Led Zeppelin 3:58
Today A Plus D 3:19
Mr. Freeze UFO 4:43
On Battleship Hill PJ Harvey 4:07
Take Стас Шуринс 3:20
Co-Co The SWEET (1971) 3:15
Blockbuster Sweet 3:13
Poppa Joe The Sweet 3:09
Время Героев Эпидемия 5:32
Mama Mia (минус) Abba Teens 3:42