Gold Blooded Wrongchilde 6:30
Fly In The Sky With Me Aldo Lesina 6:00
Shooting Stars Cosmo Moose 2:37
History Of Modern OMD 4:40
Aurora Abbsynth 5:20
Rendezvous At Rimini Alden Tyrell 5:26
Rainbow In The Night Mulperi 5:18
Your Eyes Don t Lie Vanello & Steven Kimber 5:24
You Can Fly D.J.Savage 7:31
Endless Illusion Mflex 7:12
Tears Of Love Evgene Ikonnikov 5:43
Another Day Riccardo Campa 7:29
The Return Of Space Riders (Remix) A.m. Samurai 5:07
The Lonely Pianist Franck Choppin 4:47
Way To New Start Synth Dimension 3:44
Fly With Me To Mars Playing Space 5:18
Puppy Love Nea 4:53
Julia Chito 4:53
Bye Baby Ava & Stone 5:12
Lunar Funfair X-Plosion 4:29