For The Damaged Coda Blonde Redhead 2:37
The Taste Of Blood Jozef Van Wissem & SQÜRL 5:53
Ghost Highway - ( Live B-Side From Mtv Europe, Fade Into You In-Store Promo) Mazzy Star 3:14
Becuz Sonic Youth 4:43
Pink Dust (mf) Sqürl 6:32
Great Waves Dirty Three 3:31
Golden Brown The Stranglers 3:27
Peace Attack Sonic Youth 6:10
Wish Fulfillment Sonic Youth 3:26
Do You Believe In Rapture? Sonic Youth 3:11
Hair And Skin Mazzy Star 3:42
Sea Above,Sky Below Nick Cave and the Dirty Three 5:52
Goya The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble 5:34
Ich Hatte Ein Wort Einstürzende Neubauten 4:20
morn omwte 4:32
Sisyphus Fugu Quartet 5:19
Unnamed Fugu Quartet 6:40
Some Summers They Drop Like Flys Dirty Three 6:20
Through The Ground Fugu Quartet 6:58
Sirocco The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble 5:35